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American Cockroach


American cockroaches are active throughout the year but they do not tolerate cold temperatures well. In homes they live in basements and sewers which is the source of their access to the indoors. They are also found in crawl spaces, cracks and crevices of porches, and foundations. When disturbed the American cockroaches run rapidly and may fly. They feed on a wide variety of plant and animal material.

Bed Bugs


Bed bugs are small, wingless, and feed exclusively on the blood of mammals. They gravitate to areas where people sleep hiding near beds and futons and then feed on their sleeping hosts by painlessly extracting a few drops of blood at a time. The feeding process injects a miniscule amount of bed bug saliva into the skin which can result in allergic reactions.

Brown Recluse Spider

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The body of the brown recluse spider features a black line that looks like a violin which has earned it the nicknames: fiddleback spider, brown fiddler, and violin spider. The spider is venomous and it’s bite can cause severe skin lesions, severe systemic symptoms, and death. True to its name the brown recluse isn’t aggressive and usually bites only when touched or tangled up in clothes, bath towels, or bedding.



Fleas will feed on any blood host available including humans. People sensitive to flea bites will develop large itchy welts at the bite sites. The fleas serve as hosts for tapeworms that infect cats, dogs, and humans. Flea larvae will feed on organic debris in pet bedding, furniture, and carpeting.

Eastern Subterranean Termites


The eastern subterranean termite is the most common North American termite. They feed on cellulose material such as wood, paper, and cotton. A mature colony can range from 20,000 to five million workers with the queen adding up to 10,000 eggs per year to the total. Eastern subterranean termites can cause severe structural damage to homes and buildings.

Fruit or Vinegar Flies


Fruit flies can be a nuisance all year but they become especially active and plentiful during the late summer and into the fall when fruits and vegetables reach maturity and are picked. In addition to tomatoes, melons, and squash fruit flies are also attracted to rotting bananas, potatoes, onions, and other unrefrigerated produce. Females lay up to 500 eggs and the larvae feed on the yeasts in the fruit. Fruit flies are a major nuisance in bars and restaurants.

German Cockroaches


The German cockroach is one of the most common and prevalent cockroaches in the world and prove to be significant year-round pests that contaminate food, spread disease, and cause allergies. It is a scavenging omnivore that prefers starch, sugary foods, grease, and meats. Being a nocturnal insect they emerge at night to search for food and water.

Indian Meal Moth


The Indian meal moth is the number one pantry pest. It infests stored grains, fruits, dried nuts, powdered milk, vegetables, and particularly dried pet foods by laying eggs on these foods. The moths typically are introduced to homes unsuspectingly through foods that are already infested. Their life cycle is approximately six weeks long.



After humans mice are one of the most successful and resourceful mammals. Mice can fit through an opening 1/4 of an inch or about the width of a pencil. Mice will make their nests in many areas in and around the home especially in stacked firewood, stones, bricks, and piles of leaves. Mice can contaminate food, spread disease, and cause allergies.

Norway Rat


The Norway rat also known as a brown rat or a common rat will consume almost anything. They can grow as long as ten inches with a tail the same length. They are usually active at night and are good swimmers both on the surface and underwater but are poor climbers. They burrow and often excavate extensive systems. Rats damage property, spread disease, and can bite.

Oriental Cockroaches


The oriental cockroach grows to a size of 1.25″ in length and has a one-year lifespan during which the female can produce 150 offspring. Males have wings and will either run quickly or fly when disturbed unlike females that lack wings and only run. Oriental cockroaches cannot climb smooth surfaces. They remain indoors year-round usually in cooler areas such as basements and crawl spaces.

Carpenter Bees

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Carpenter bees typically nest in wood, excavating tunnels in structures such as wooden beams, siding, or fencing. Some species may also utilize other materials like bamboo or dried plant stems. A single nest can house several generations of bees, with each female creating her own brood chamber. During the warmer months, a nest can grow to accommodate up to several hundred bees. Carpenter bees are often recognized for their robust, black bodies with distinctive pale or yellow markings, resembling bumblebees but lacking dense hair.

Carpenter Ants


Carpenter ants commonly establish their nests in moist or decaying wood, though they can also infest wall voids and insulation. These nests can expand over time, accommodating a colony that may include thousands of worker ants. During peak activity in the summer, a colony's population can rapidly increase. Carpenter ants are typically black or reddish in color, varying in size from small workers to larger reproductive individuals.

Yellow Jackets


Normally nests are in the soil but some species will use bushes, wall voids, and attics. The nest size may grow up to 15,000 workers during the summer. Yellow jacket is the common name in North America for predatory wasps. Members of these genera are known simply as “wasps”. Most of these are black and yellow some are black and white.

Bald Faced Hornets


Typically, bald-faced hornet nests are found in trees or shrubs, though some species may also build nests in wall voids or attics. These nests can expand to accommodate up to 15,000 workers during the summer months. In North America, bald-faced hornets are a common type of predatory wasp, distinguished by their striking black and white coloration. Unlike many wasps that are black and yellow, bald-faced hornets are known for their distinctive black and white markings.

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Transform your pest-stricken space with Court Pest Control's specialized pest services. Our seasoned team comprehends the distinct challenges presented by pesky critters, tailoring solutions to suit a variety of settings, from cozy homes to bustling commercial areas. Whether it's scurrying rodents or buzzing insects, we provide personalized remedies to maintain a clean, secure environment that complies with health standards. With a keen eye on efficiency and discretion, we ensure minimal disruption to your daily activities while executing comprehensive pest management. Choose Court Pest Control as your trusted ally, offering dependable, bespoke solutions that safeguard the well-being and reputation of your space.

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Bees & Wasps


Bed Bugs


Carpenter Ants

Carpenter Bees



Stink Bugs








We see and treat for all sorts of additional household invaders from crawling to stinging insects and from Silverfish to Mites.

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Each and every Court Pest Control technician is Applicator Certified by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

Our Pesticide Application Business License Number is BU11423.

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If you’re looking for high quality and personal service you’ve come to the right place. We understand having a pest problem is not an ideal situation but we seek to remedy this as quickly as possible.

At Court Pest Control we’ll give you the attention and personal service you’ll come to expect and enjoy.

When scheduling an appointment, we’ll work to YOUR schedule and not expect you to wait around for us all day.

We’ll be responsive to your request and provide you a fairly specific time that one of our qualified pest management team members will be on site and ready to handle the pest problem you’ve inquired about.


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